Create fantastic photo books using our formats with Adobe InDesign, and order in 3 steps.
1 Download your InDesign template
Choose the photo album line and the format you wish to create, download the template and open it in Adobe InDesign.
2 Open the template and start with your layout
- Open the downloaded folder.
- Start designing the layout with Adobe InDesign according to the template size.
- Export the PDF according to our specifications and use our preset (download manual and preset now).
- Upload your files through our upload module below (not compatible with Safari) or through WeTransfer.
To ensure you get these steps right, please download and read our manual for Adobe InDesign.
3 Transfer your files here
Upload your project in PDF version. When the upload is finished, you can complete your purchase directly on our website.
Problems while uploading?
- If you are experiencing problems while uploading, you can send your project via WeTransfer, using the link at the page: https://ilfotoalbum.wetransfer.com/
- Please enter the name of the model and the cover type of the photo book you want to make.
- We will answer within 8-16 (working) hours with a link through which you can configure your purchase in every detail (type of cover, type of paper, etc.), and choose your payment and shipping method.