Personalized Greeting Card

Personalized Greeting Cards

You can create personalized greeting cards on every occasion: Christmas, Birthdays, Weddings, Degrees, Baptisms, Confirmations, Valentine’s Day and for all the occasions you want to celebrate. Customizable with photos, texts and graphics of your choosing. Create online or use our free software Album studio.

Grafiche biglietti auguri personalizzati

Price and Size

Biglietto auguri stampato solo fronte

Personalized Greeting Cards

  • Size 15×21 cm if closed; 30×21 cm if open
  • Customizable Front/Back
  • 250g paper
  • Sold individually or in multiple copies

1,50 inc. VAT

  • Over 48 preset themes available

  • Possibility of inserting photos and texts

  • Customizable on both front and back side

Endless customizations

Do you want to create offline? Discover Album Studio

Professional software

You can also create through Album Studio, our free professional software, perfect for particularly complex projects.
Available for both Windows and Mac.

Delivery time

This product will be delivered within 9-11 working days.